Friday, 20 May 2016

Grapefruits : Health benefits Series

Grapefruit is a subtropical citrus tree known for its sour to semi-sweet taste.
Some of the health benefits of grapes are:
Immune booster Grape is a good source of Vitamin C which plays a role in immunity and helps neutralize free radicals in our body.
Vitamin C stimulates the production of white blood cells and may protect the integrity of immune cells. Heart health Vitamin C is linked to a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease.
Kidney stones citric acid, which is found in grapefruit, may deter stone formation and also break up small stones that are forming. The more citric acid in your urine, the more protected you may be from forming new kidney stones.
Cancer Vitamin C and beta-carotene may lead to a reduced risk of oesophageal cancer. Red and pink grapefruit is one of the best sources for lycopene after tomatoes. Lycopene has been linked to a decreased risk of prostate cancer; reduce risk of stomach cancer and colon cancer.
Pregnancy health Grape is a good source of folate, which is essential for pregnant women in order to prevent neural tube defects. Antioxidants Phenolic compounds act as antioxidants, which are molecules that safely interact with free radicals to stop the condition of oxidative stress is present in high concentration in grapes.
Free radicals cause cell damage and disruption that can contribute to diseases. Vitamin C is also a potent antioxidant. Hydration Grapefruit is 91% water, so can help with hydration.
Digestion The fibre and water in grapefruit can aid digestion and help relieve or prevent constipation.
Weight loss Grapefruit is naturally high in fibre, which contributes to feelings of satiation which can prevent overeating. Fibre also helps stabilize blood sugar levels, preventing spikes that contribute to hunger."  Cholesterol Grapefruit contains pectin, a fibre that is can reduce LDL cholesterol levels and decrease triglycerides levels.
Skin, hair and wound healing Vitamin C is essential throughout the wound-healing process, largely because it contributes toward collagen synthesis and development. Collagen is also essential for healthy skin and hair.
Furthermore, vitamin A is known to promote healthy tissue growth, including in skin, and the high water content in cantaloupes helps keep skin moisturized and supple. Eyesight Vitamin A, of which grapefruit is a good source, is essential for good vision. 

Sure Ways To Reduce Menstrual Pain

Menstrual period is unavoidable for every adolescent female. Its usually average between 26-35days(vary) cycle in most ladies. During this period, the body tries to get rid of the product of the last ovulation(egg release by the ovary into the fallopian tube) because fertilization by the make sperm did not happen. This phase is often painful in most ladies because the body tries to shed off tissues of the uterine wall, blood vessels and fluids.
Symptoms can range in severity from a mild annoyance to severe pain that interferes with normal activities. Growing up with females around has given me a little experience as they oftentimes go moody during this period. 
Menstrual cramps that aren’t caused by an underlying condition tend to lessen with age and often improve once a woman has given birth.
Symptoms Of Menstrual Pain
*Cramps in the lower abdomen
*Lower back pain
*Leg pain, radiating down the legs
*Fainting spells (in extreme cases)
Medications That can be used to relieve painful menstrual cramps Note: this are mainly anti-inflammatory drugs.
Diclofenac and
Piroxicam (Felvin). 
they are available without a prescription and are effective at blocking the effects of prostaglandins.
Practical ways to Reduce Menstrual Pain;
1) Firstly, you have to understand the physiology of your body as a lady. You must have a good knowledge of your body and what you react to.
2) Shave your pubic hair:
hygeine is very important for a lady especially during menstration. You will smell and people will perceive odour if you dont clean that part of your body well. Use of clean water, mild disinfectants and soaps. Clean shaved pubic area will allow easy cleaning and prevent blood clot and stains from sticking to the perineal area.
3)Eat well, reduce activity;
Menstration can be energy sapping because there is continous blood loss and virgina contraction. You need to eat good, food balanced diet and avoid any stressful work or overworking of the muscles
4) Take warm water;
Warm water will calm down the body and reduce menstral blood clot thereby easing the flow and discharge.
5)Body massage, Exercise the stomach;
Exercising the perineal muscles and the laps relaxes the muscles of the vaginal wall and smoothens menstration
6)Drink lemon water every morning after you wake up.
This will have an alkalizing effect on the body and keep the body hydrated and mineralized. Stay hydrated throughout the day,
7)Must include vitamin D3 in your diet.
Especially if you live is a colder climate where sunlight is reduced during the winter season. Prevention is always better than the cure, which is why making sure your body has enough vitamin D is important in preventing menstrual cramps. A study found that high doses of vitamin D3 led to a significant decrease in menstrual cramps.
8) Always have an orgasm.
Yes, that’s right — orgasms help to relieve all kinds of pain, including menstrual cramps. Before an orgasm, the uterus is more relaxed, and at the moment of climax, blood flow increases, helping to relieve the cramps. Orgams relieve the pain through the release of endorphins, which help you to feel instantly better. They also help to relax your whole body and induce sleep so you won’t feel any cramping at all.
9)Increase consumption of leafy greens to ensure enough B vitamins, fiber and mineral supply in the body. You will get a lot of calcium, magnesium, iron, B vitamins and other minerals through leafy greens. Swiss chard, collard greens, yogurt, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, spinach contains these minerals.
10)Eat fatty fish, fish or flax oil every day to get relief from hormonal imbalances.
11)My most favourite remedy to get relief from cramps is an Ayurvedic home remedy using cinnamon and ginger to make a tea. Just use ¼ tsp. of ground cinnamon and a pinch of ground ginger or couple of thin slices of half an inch of fresh ginger to a cup of hot water. Wait and let it steep for 5 minutes. Strain and drink the tea. I will also write a recipe for pain free period tea concoction.
12)Evening primrose oil are rich in anti-inflammatory omega-6 fatty acids and are known to reduce breast pain and tenderness as well as PMS symptoms. Dietary intake of calcium and magnesium is crucial for balancing the hormones.
13)Using heating pads or hot water bags around the area relaxes the stiff muscles and reduces pain by bringing oxygen in the area. One of the most important things to address is relaxation through 7-8 hours of sound sleep and stress reduction. Meditation and breathing exercises (pranayama) also assists in reducing stress.
14) If you eat a lot of nuts, seeds and grains then increase aerobic exercises. Aerobic exercises releases endorphin hormones or “feel good” hormones in the body. The presence of this hormone works like a natural pain killer.
15)Apply natural progesterone cream or wild yam cream. Apply this cream on stomach, lower abdominal area, buttocks, things, breasts and upper arm area. Best time to apply this cream is a week before the start of your period.
In conclusion: Address sleep, stress and digestive imbalances and practice a balanced health protocol for 6-8 weeks in order to reduce any PMS symptoms including cramps. If you are someone who tends to stray away from your health routine, then make sure you apply as many of the above mentioned remedies as possible a week before your cycle. This I would say is still a band aid solution. Stay Healthy!!!